Intermediate/Advanced League

Begins April 4th | Ladder League Format

Level: Intermediate/Advanced (3.0 - 4.0)

Format: Ladder (Level-Based)

Day: Mondays

Time: 8:00pm - 10:00pm

Cost: $20/Day

League Format

  1. Weekly Grouping: Each week, players are placed into groups based on their ladder ranking. Each group is assigned a court.

  2. Rankings: Your ranking will move up or down each week, based on your match results. Each week, you will either move up, down, or stay on the same court.

  3. Weekly Matches: Players are assigned to a court each week, where they will play at least 1 game with and against everyone on their court.

  4. Game Format: Games are played to 15 or 21, win by 2.

*All league matches will be submitted to DUPR*

Location and Pricing


Montclair Pickleball Bergen County: Superdome Sports (21-05 Morlot Ave, Fair Lawn, NJ)


League Pricing: $20/day